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About the Chain

Our history

Our success story begins more than 100 years ago , when

Don Florencio Zavala Salgado, begins with the adventure that later would become the business group with the most recognized haberdashery and stationery stores in the southeast of the country.

At the time of the revolution, the grandfather Don Florencio , with his suitcase in hand full of spools of thread, ribbons and buttons, toured the city knocking from door to door. Day by day, she offered home and business wives products that were carefully selected for her regular customers.

After much effort, dedication and the motivation to always satisfy the needs of his customers, Don Florencio Zavala Salgado inaugurated what would be the first haberdashery and stationery store in the state of Puebla, innovating in the way these products were marketed until then. day.

Over the years, the company has grown under the management of his children and grandchildren. Currently, La Cadena by GRUPO MERPAP is part of the Corporate GRUPO MERPAP which, among other things, is dedicated to the manufacture of the best quality haberdashery and stationery.

In La Cadena by GRUPO MERPAP, both the group's own products and those of the best-known national brands are sold, and its inventory contains more than 50,000 stationery and haberdashery items. Our current stores stand out for their great variety and assortment of items, as well as for their excellent service to retail customers, wholesalers and distributors throughout the country.

La Cadena by GRUPO MERPAP has made an effort over the years to create jobs, offer the highest quality of products and satisfy the needs of the families of Puebla.




Superar las expectativas de nuestros clientes en la adquisición de productos de papelería y mercería, ofreciendo  siempre con vocación de servicio,  una gran variedad de  productos innovadores, de alta calidad y al mejor precio.  



Ser  líder nacional en la comercialización de productos de mercería y papelería, mediante la distribución y fabricación de productos innovadores y de calidad, que siempre sean ofertados a nuestros clientes,  con una alta orientación de servicio, buscando propiciar la mejor experiencia de compra.  



  • SERVICE VOCATION: Our main objective is to offer the best service to customers and distributors.

  • RESPONSIBILITY: Always consistent and present with our employees, customers and suppliers.

  • TEAMWORK: The company at all its vertically integrated levels work together to achieve the objectives of the organization.

  • EFFICIENCY: availability and commitment at every step of the buying and selling process.

  • CREATIVITY: Innovating our processes every day to offer our clients the best.






At La Cadena by GRUPO MERPAP we offer a wide assortment and variety of national and imported products, all carefully chosen by our team to offer you the highest quality in each of our products.




As a customer of our stores, you will find the best prices on the market both in wholesale and retail. Our offer includes both products from well-known brands, as well as products from our MERPAP GROUP, which allows us to offer you competitive and fair prices as well as a guarantee of quality.




Day by day we innovate, incorporating cutting-edge systems and technology in our processes. Thus, nowadays buying at La Cadena by GRUPO MERPAP is really simple, because we put at your disposal an e-commerce system that allows you to purchase your products through our online store and receive them as soon as possible at the door of your home or point of sale.




Being a client of La Cadena by GRUPO MERPAP allows you to be part of our organization through our programs designed exclusively for you. We have benefit programs for our frequent customers and loyalty cards that give you access to discounts and special promotions, designed just for you.







La Cadena by GRUPO MERPAP is part of a consolidated corporate for more than 30 years. Grupo MERPAP is founded to strengthen and enhance the businesses that are developed under the brand.

Grupo MERPAP is made up of four business units in which it catalogs the services it offers:

Maquila de ensambles y empaques para empresas del sector industrial


Impresiones en grandes volúmenes

Fabricación de productos del ramo de mercería y papelería

Comercialización de productos de Mercería y Papelería en

e-commerce y puntos de venta

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